About the Podcast
Hi! I’m Gavin Cosgrave, a senior at Santa Clara University. Voices of Santa Clara is an interviewing project I started in the fall of 2017 to share the stories and experiences of the diverse range of faculty, staff, and students on campus. I ask each interviewee about life experiences that shaped their identities and work, as well as their most exciting and impactful projects.
I'm also the Opinion Editor for The Santa Clara student newspaper where I write and edit opinion pieces.
In May 2018, the podcast was awarded the English Department's Multimodal Writing prize, and in August 2019, the show was awarded 2nd best college podcast in California by the California College Media Association.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to me at gcosgrave@scu.edu with any ideas of people to interview, feedback or ideas to help this project grow. Happy listening!
Here's my personal website: www.gavincosgrave.com